Holistic Life Coach & Business Mentor

Online Life coaching for career women

Online Holistic Life Coaching & Business Mentoring for women who want more out life and feel a little stuck and unsure of what to do next.

With my approach you will

– reduce the risk of burnout & chronic health conditions

– Increase your sense of purpose and fulfilment

– Generate money, relationships, experiences that are aligned with your deepeset values and desires.

I use Neuroscience, Ikigai, Evidence-based transformational coaching and yoga,to guide and mentor women to discover their life purpose and to experience their fullest potential.

Everyone wants a change to their life usually… they just don’t what they need to do to get it!

And no…. it is NOT your destiny to feel poor, tired, unappreciated and out of time.

We all have the human experience and gift of choice and THAT is what makes a difference.

As a seasoned business executive I help women create and grow their businesses from a place of values, intution and insight.

Contributing to the world with our gifts support our health and impacts the world.

If you want to know more, feel free to stalk my socials and jump on to my website. I’d love to have a chat to see if my gifts are a match to your magic.

Free chat to see if my magic mixes with yours