Phillip Island Skincare & Spinal Flow

Spinal Flow Technique

The Spinal Flow Technique is an incredibly fast and effective way to help you heal and feel amazing in your body again. It’s a gentle and holistic approach for all ages and abilities. Spinal Flow Technique is a blend of the cutting-edge science and healing arts. The reason why it is so incredibly effective is that emotional, chemical and physical tension is located in the nervous system and this technique allows the blockages to be released and healed. People often report improvements in physical pains such as headaches, migraines, back pain, neck pain, digestive upsets, sleep, blood pressure, anxiety and depression to name a few. Your first consultation includes a full assessments and the spinal flow technique addressing your areas of concern. If massage is not addressing your concerns, this is a modality for you!


I feel so much straighter!

Kathleen M (1st session)

I just had an amazing Spinal Flow session with Anita. I felt very cared for and nurtured the whole way through. Afterwards my energy was completely cleared as Anita expertly unblocked the blockages in my spine and released pent up emotional energy. I highly recommend her treatments. 5 Stars. Susie N (facebook mention)

I first went to Anita after experiencing chronic neck pain and after a short time my pain was completely gone. So if you are looking for a non invasive gentle approach to healing, you have to give this treatment a try. Simply Magic. Vincent H. (Google review)