Ali Ansell


Hello, my name is Ali.

I have a passion for all things health and wellbeing. Through many years of studying various health modalities, I have learned a few things.

– All modalities have their place

– We are all unique in our needs (cookie cutter approaches to healing don’t work)

– The mind, body, and soul are intricately linked and healing involves all parts.

I know you have all you need within you to find your place of balance, peace, and wellbeing. Sometimes this can be hard to find on your own.

I am here as a guide who offers Hypnotherapy and Reiki as a few of the many tools you can use in your healing journey.

Through the techniques of Hypnotherapy and/or Reiki, combined with my experience in the health fields, we work together to help you access the inner wisdom of the unconscious mind, rewire the ingrained beliefs and conditioning and help you achieve your desires.

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