Spectrum Guard

Secure Your Elite Journey Beyond Matrix With Spectrum Guard

Mind Power Lady, Dr. Angela Wilson is one of the few in the world who have the privilege of living beyond the earth dimension.

She achieved her dreamed success and financial freedom in early thirties and accomplished all levels of hierarchy human a couple of years back.

Dr. Angela Wilson lived in the fear of death and the uncertainty of the afterlife and started serious practice on the mind power development that can ignite the light of the darkest and ‘largely inaccessible’ unconscious mind where the suffering and tragic ending do not exist.

Dr. Angela Wilson shares her extraordinary discovery on mind power development that fits aspiring busy professionals, entrepreneurs, investors, etc as a global speaker, Mind Samurai trainer, consultant and coach, the author of the self-help book “Path To Liberty”, social entrepreneur, humanity and Peace activist and the host of online Mind Power Show.

Mind Samurai series-the the unshakable mind power development tool is to use the human nature-the the unstoppable negative triggers and traps created by the reptilian brain as a power source to ignite the darkest and ‘largely inaccessible’ unconscious mind, and this is where the suffering and tragic ending do not belong to.

“What her philosophy and practical application does for you as a human being will open you up to broader things that you never thought possible and give you a very solid grounding foundation that is unshakable. ”

“Angela, what you have to offer is so powerful and so unique, you truly have your hands on what humanity is looking for but afraid most of us to find. ”

” When I saw you Angela, it was so wonderful. Since the time I noticed you at this conference, I could just see how illuminated you were and you are so kind and smiling at everybody. And I was like, I wonder why she is like that. And when I saw you speak on stage and you were talking about the spirit and everything else and enlightenment, I thought okay, now I get it. That’s how I try to live my life. But you have an illumination that’s just beyond anybody that I have met and I just wanted to tell you that because it’s beautiful. Beautiful spirit.”

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