Radiant Essence Modalities

Relax . Rejuvenate . Harmonise .

Hello, I am Michele, Natural Therapy Practitioner.  I work with clients to help them to gain balance in their lives and to address any underlying issues that might be holding them back. Life is a journey and so is our physical and mental wellbeing. There are always ups and downs and I am here to travel those with you as a supportive guide, to help in anyway I can along with the modalities I practice with.

I have always had an avid interest in anything Health, Natural and Holistic.  When Essential Oils came into my life seven years ago, I instantly found my calling, especially with the opportunities available to help support others.  I saw the amazing effects these oils had on individuals and how they transformed peoples lives, mine included.

I am very grateful today to be a qualified practitioner in The Raindrop Technique, Hot Stone Massage, and Chakra Sutra (Balancing).   Plus  ongoing studies in Healing Touch which I am in my last year of qualifying.

I work mostly from my home clinic in Woree, Cairns.  Once a month I share my energy at the Pier Market, every 3rd Sunday, including talking about the products I use which are from Young Living.  Helping getting toxins out of the home and people lives and replace them with what Mother Nature intended.  I help you relax, feel better about yourself, improve your well being but if the home and environment you live in is chemically toxic, its an uphill battle.  So I try and cover everything I can, with ongoing support.

The Raindrop Technique is very unique, it uses the Young Living essential oils.  The modality is designed from ancient techniques used in Tibet, Egypt and by the American Indians.  Combination of light feather strokes, dripping oils on the back and some modern massage.  The Tibetans used the ancient ‘Vitaflex Technique’ which relates to the modern day reflexology, but much lighter with a different application using the general ‘mapping’ of the body.  Its used in the Raindrop Technique helping filter the essential oils through the nervous system to the lymphatics and other body systems. The oils circulate to every cell in the body within 20 minutes. Nine different essential oils are used, specifically chosen for their individual properties.  One particular blend supports the alignment of the body, which amazes me every time.  Other essential oils can be included or swapped if the client is requiring more support emotionally.  Its a beautiful experience, mostly facilitated in silence so the client can move into the more spiritual space of their being.

Clients are amazed how they feel, like they’ve had a real workout, but its so relaxing.  The effects of the Raindrop/Vitaflex Technique can carry for a week or more, so weekly visits initially are advised if you are wanting to get on top of any current situation.

Packages are available, bringing the individual session price down and they can also be paid off if needed.  There are set packages but they can be easily altered and mixed up with different modalities.

I also work with small groups, training in The Raindrop Technique for Family and Friends, not a practitioner level to use professionally, but to spread the love with loved ones for feel-good relaxation.  You’d be very popular!

Currently clients can book through my facebook page or just message or ring me.  I also have a page on a website: www.shine-yleo.com.au    Its a website I share with 3 other amazing ladies who are all working with Young Living products and are Practitioners in their own right.  We work together at events as a group called “SHINE” .  We work around local area shows and expos, and are available to be hired for special events.


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