Find your flow: Body work and holistic counselling

Bodywork and holisitc counselling

Im offering my service for you to hold space when you return inwards to reconnect and find your inner flow of wisdom and innate healing capabilities through deep bodywork, holistic counseling, and plant medicine.

I work with hot stones (optional) and rebozo’s for an intimate and nourishing experience

The two bodywork modalities (lomi lomi level 1+2 and fertility and womb massage) morph into one wholesome and nurturing, powerful medicine for a deep transformational inner journey. To be in deep rest and digest and let the wisdom surface to be able to see, hear and feel it. This happens in a gentle way that will last for days after receiving the work and integration can be done in stillness, and change of patterns and habits can take place. A new healthier story can replace the wounded, but not to be forgotten and shunned away, as the wisdom and learning it brought you is where you are today. We work together with the whole of you as you are.

I’m a gatekeeper for you to feel safe to release, see , hear and feel what needs to be seen, heard and felt. I’m a catalyst that gives you the permission to do what you need to do at any point in time – I work alongside you to find that spark in you that longing to be seen again

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