Intuitive Heart Training Academy
At Intuitive Heart Training Academy, our mission is to give every human being the resources and resourcefulness to have choice in creating their future how they want to. We uphold our values in respecting everyone’s map of the world and continue to celebrate diversity and equal opportunities.
Lauren Jobson is an award-winning NLP Master Trainer, internationally certified Matrix Therapies® Master Trainer and Coach. A Master Trainer means she teaches the teachers of the coaches as well as certifying hundreds of coaches all across Australia and now online, globally. Along with other modalities such as Hypnosis, Chakra Mindset, and the Universal Laws through Archetypes.
Since 2009 she has trained NLP and since 2012, Matrix Therapies®.
Certified Matrix Therapies® Master Trainer by the creator of Matrix Therapies®, Pip McKay.
Lauren teaches all levels of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) which includes:
NLP Practitioner Certification Training
NLP Master Practitioner Certification Training
NLP Trainers Training Certification
Plus Hypnosis which are all internationally recognised and meet governing board standards.
Lauren also teaches Archetypal Coaching®, which includes:
Evolve Now! Level 1A: Passion and Purpose Coaching™
Evolve Now! Level 1B: Masculine and Feminine Coaching™
Evolve Now! Level 1C: Matrix Therapies® Coaching
Archetypal Coaching® Level 2A: Principles of Manifestation and Love Coaching™
Archetypal Coaching® Level 2B: Principles of Growth and Abundance Coaching™
Archetypal Coaching® Level 2C: Principles of Transformation and Influence Coaching™
She has taught thousands of wonderful people around Australia, that say she “transcends age with her wisdom & guidance.” Lauren was the Vice Chairperson of the Australian Board of NLP now named NLPAA as high standards in the NLP field are important to her. She is also a Registered Trainer Member and Clinical Member at the NLPAA (NLP Association of Australia) and a Full Member and Recognised Training Provider at IICT (International Institute of Complementary Therapists). Her certifying training school is Intuitive Heart Training Academy Pty Ltd.