Your Path Guide

End of life planning & support

Hello!  I’m Shannon, your end of life path guide.

I am an End of Life Doula and honoured to be able to help support those diagnosed with life-limiting illness or facing their end of life. Working together with you and your loved ones, we plan, prepare and navigate an end of life path according to your wishes.

After supporting an elderly relative as his primary carer for several years, I discovered a natural, heart-felt calling to explore and learn more about this work; it is a fulfilling role filled with love, compassion, sensitivity and support.

I have since completed foundation & intensive training as an End of Life Doula with Preparing the Way and look forward to starting the nationally accredited Certificate IV in End of Life Doula Services in August 2023.

I am thrilled to be a founding member of the COTA SA Rainbow Horizons Project group, the aim of which is to foster intergenerational support for end-of-life planning, care & dying in LGBTQI+ communities. This project is supported through Council on the Ageing (COTA SA) Rainbow Hub and is close to my heart.

There are many steps to walk on this journey and I am here to help make the path a little easier. If you want to be in control of your life’s journey to the very end and understand your options and choices along the way, then I can help support that. I would love to hear from you.



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