Julie Jenkins

Natura Holistic Life Centre

Over the last 30+ years of working with clients and students, I’ve had the unique pleasure of getting to know a lot about holistic human development, how we function, how we think and what drives our state of mind. How shifts in energy affect our day to day living, the way we create, manifest and the levels of joy and fulfilment we experience.

Natura Holistic Life Centre is geared to address our communities needs what ever they may be in Natural Healing Modalities. Balancing energy and life areas, allowing us to align with our Divine Soul Purpose and experience all of the wonderful gifts and talents that are ours to embrace on our wonderful planet. Manifesting and developing the life we want to live and being the person we want to be is not always easy. However its very doable!!

If you need assistance, moral support, guidance from us or higher authority I am here to help and it would be my honour to do so.

At Natura we have a range of self-help/personal development courses that are available for you to do online in a variety of subjects and interests. Through Natura Training Institute we also offer practitioner courses for those drawn to healing as a profession.


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