Gaia Hypnotherapy
My name is Gaia and I am a Hypnotherapist with the following background :
1. Architecture/Interior design (bachelor’s degree in Architecture at the University of Rome, Italy) & Arts (Master of Art, UNSW)
2. Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy with NLP (Modern Hypnosis Certification Training- Tad James Company Sept 2023, Sydney, Australia Member of the IICT (International Institute of Complementary Therapist), Complete Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Certification Diploma, Registered at CTAA, The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology NLP Practitioner Certificate Course). Studying Art Therapy.
3. Certificate IV in Training and Assessment TAE40116, Sydney, Australia. TAFE, Crows Nest, Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, Sydney, Australia. WWCC approved.
I’m a proud mother of two beautiful children.