6 Stage Conversational Hypnotherapy Strategy

The 6 stage conversational hypnotherapy strategy is the building blocks to using conversational hypnotherapy for therapeutic interventions.

It has been designed for accurate and straightforward use and will take the practitioner from the start to finish for an entire interaction, and clear up any troubleshooting along the way.

When using this strategy we know that outside influences and extenuating circumstances can break down any hypnotic strategy, and although we have taken as many of these into account as possible, it would be unachievable for us to negate all of them. So with this in mind, we advise the reader to use this system with flexibility, to adjust to these circumstances along the way.

Strategy breakdown – P.H.I.T.T.(R)

• Priming
• Hypnotic Interview
• Induction
• Therapy
• Test / transform thinking
• Repeat / Retest

To begin this strategy in the correct place, we need to consider a few variables first. These being that although the context of the session ( e.g., smoking, anxiety, fear, etc. ) will change, the 6 stage format can remain invariably the same.

The only steps that will need to be adjusted along the way to suit your client will be the induction and or therapy. This is because of the assumption we all know, being that specific therapeutic and inductions tools and methods will suit certain contexts better. It does not mean that certain techniques or inductions ONLY satisfy certain ailments, rather that the therapist should equip his or herself with a variety of techniques to remain flexible and lucid at every stage in the interaction.

Priming ( link added for entire guide on priming )
Priming breaks down to the preparation of the conscious and unconscious mind. With this, the practitioner should concentrate on clearing potential blocks and hazards along the way ( clearing the slate ).

With priming, the Hypnotherapist will be setting up the correct internal environment and putting together the proper trance ahead of time.

The biggest reason for setting everything up before hand is because of the unlimited and anything can go attitude of hypnosis. Meaning that we have to realize up front, we have two options for putting our client into a trance. We refer to these as trance bubbles.

If we set up everything beforehand, and allow the unconscious mind to collect and generate a trance ( bubble ) ahead of time that INCLUDES our priming sequence ( such as safety, care, learning, fun, excitement, etc. ) we have a higher probability of the trance being all of this and not a randomly generated one.

Key Insights : The biggest reason for setting everything up before hand is because of the unlimited and anything can go attitude of hypnosis. Meaning that we have to realize up front, we have two options for putting our client into a trance. We refer to these as trance bubbles.

If we do NOT set up the trance before hand, the trance our client will go into could be a negative one, a nontherapeutic trance or a trance that serves no purpose.

Hypnotic Interview
The hypnotic interview is a sophisticated method at first, but we will break it down to its simplest form to suit the novice and intermediate therapist.

This interview component is to tease out information, leverage and emotions as to the why a client wants to change the problem they are experiencing.

And while the Hypnotherapist asks each question, the attention on the conversation is directed to the pain of the problem.

Our goal here is to continually highlight the pain of the problem so our client can feel the problem, then we as the Hypnotherapist become the resource to take them out of the problem.

If our client does not feel or become emotionally attached to the problem, it can be very hard to motivate them to want to resolve the problem.

The questions we use are based from a why, what, when, how, who frame. For now ( at a beginners level ) we don’t want to get lost in trying to find the right question. We are just teasing out information and highlighting the pain of the issue.

For example, Joe Bloggs is a smoker and wants to quit.

So by asking Joe a series of questions (and drawing his attention to the pain of the problem) we are aligning Joe up for a transformational session.

And if you recall setting up the correct trance bubble ahead of time (through priming) the unconscious mind will now add in the context of the trance; we have created ahead of time, to suit a smoking and quitting trance, instead of a random trance.

So not only will Joe have the safety and care of the trance ( through priming and setting up ) the unconscious mind can now add ( inside ) the trance, that Joe will invariably fall into, resources, tools and strategies for Joe to quit smoking. Our set up for everything based on this format drives the success of it.

Possible questions for Joe:

Why do you want to quit Joe?

What has made you decide to quit now?

When do you find yourself smoking the most?

What are you feeling before or after you smoke?

What have you tried before to quit?

When did you first start to smoke?

By having a conversation with Joe, we are the highlighting pain. And for this guide, it is all we should concentrate on.

Key Insights : Our goal here is to continually highlight the pain of the problem so our client can feel the problem, then we as the Hypnotherapist become the resource to take them out of the problem.

In saying this, for advanced practitioners in this field, we know there are better questions to ask, and we are aware that some questions requested in a particular sequence are better and we also now how to formally questions the unconscious mind without any fuss, but this comes with experience.

So for now, let’s get a conversation with Joe started, highlight his pain, then take him out of it wich combines the next two stages, the induction, and therapy.

The Induction
While impossible to know which induction is best or which one would suit our clients better, we are aware of setting up the trance before hand, the trance ( Joe ) will go into is of more importance to us.

So realistically, what every induction we use to get ( Joe ) onto that trance bubble is excellent.

Your induction could be from a story, an imagination technique, shock induction ( refer to unconscious markers in the complete priming guide for tips )

The type of induction becomes irrelevant; it is more of the result or the trance that is awaiting Joe that counts. The point is to get your client into this pre-prepared trance anyway you as the Hypnotherapist sees fit

Again we are putting a block in front of our own feet now. Therapy, just like the induction will vary from client to client. However, based on the trance we have set up ( for Joe ) before hand, we can use the very elements of this trance as our therapy.

If Joe’s trance is set up for safety, learning, care, transformation, understanding, etc. ( from our priming ) we can just tell Joe ( directly ) now that he is in this trance to learn from it, transform from it, understand more about himself because of the trance he is in, finds resources and tools to help Joe, etc.

We are primarily using the trance Joe is in as out therapy. And stimulating the trance to show Joe all the elements inside it that will give him the breakthrough he needs.

So our goal is to continually reinforce that everything Joe needs is inside this trance. From this, we are just making another monolog ( the same steps as your priming monolog )

For example ( Joe has entered inside this trance bubble ) including therapy themes ( words and phrases that will stimulate Joe to resolve his issues, direct suggestions )

That’s it, Joe, learn from this trance and take all the time you need to re-evaluate yourself and find the best ways to quit and do something positive for yourself, Joe. Let this trance show you exactly what you need to see, hear and feel and enjoy it. Really slow time down in here Joe, get the most you can from this time you are in here, and only come out when you are 100% sure you are ready and have everything you need from this trance, to live a life worth living without your old issues, let your unconscious mind guide you to the outcome you know you deserve…..

From this example ( with highlighted therapy themes ) you can see we are reinforcing the idea that Joe should USE this trance accordingly.

Now while this is one way that treatment can be initiated, it’s not to say its the only way. We are sticking to the systems from how this trance is set up, then using the same system for our therapy.

Key Insights : So our goal is to contunually reinforce that everything Joe needs is inside this trance. From this we are just making another monolouge ( exactly the same steps as your priming monologue )

If we break down any treatment, our goal is to take a client to where they are not. Meaning that if they are negative, we bring them to a positive outcome.

And by setting up this trance, the bubble and void Joe enters into having everything he needs, and from here the unconscious mind can get to work and transform Joe and our clients.

So to keep the ball rolling, Joe has come out of this trance which transitions us into our next step which is to.

Test and tranform ( connect Joe with his new insights from the trance to his problme he had )
Naturally, we need to question Joe about what happened in the trance from what he saw, felt and experienced, and through this ask Joe to think about the old problem ( thus connecting the loop back up to be complete )

By asking Joe to rethink and reevaluate his self as a smoker ( without the therapy and trance ), Joe would experience the problem in the same sequence over and over, as this is the loop he was caught in.

This loop was Joe’s failures, Joe’s negative thinking, and actions.

When Joe is in trance this loop breaks, as the unconscious mind shows Joe different ways to think and feel inside a trance, and when Joe leaves trance, he will bring these new insights with him and the new ah-ha moments he had because of the trance.

So when Joe thinks about his problem now, the loop has changed and has now included the decisive moments, the ah-ha moments and from this ( when it connects ) the penny will drop, and we should clearly see the understanding take place.

If however Joe leaves this trance, still feeling the same, or still feels like he may smoke we ( R ) repeat the process all over.

We may begin by prompting Joe and adding more things inside the trance again ( knowing that the old trance is still in existence, we are just adding, not redesigning from scratch ), we will induct Joe again, and repeat our therapy prime again.

The goal here is to reinforce this process over and over again continually. Each time Joe enters this trance, he will experience the repetition of it, and the connection and loop get re-created.

It may just take several attempts at it, for Joe’s mind to cement everything in.

Questions for Joe ( to complete the P.H.I.T.T.( R ) formula )

Hypnotist: So Joe what happened when you went into the trance, what did you feel and experience?

Joe: It was beautiful it feels like all the weight has lifted and I feel strong and able, and deserving of my life for the first time in years ( result of being in trance, as an example )

Hypnotist: So Joe with this in mind and everything else you discovered inside this trance, what happens when you think about smoking? ( reconnecting )

Joe: I don’t want it! What I’m feeling now is far better than all the cigarettes in the world, I wanted my life back, and now I have it …

From this example, we have asked Joe to explain what happened in the trance, to then think about the old problem, and the connection becomes complete with Joes new found insights.

Key insights : The goal here is to reinforce this process over and over again continually. Each time Joe enters this trance, he will experience the reception of it, and the connection and loop get created. It may just take several attempts at it, for Joe’s mind to cement everything in.

About the Author:

Scott Jansen
Conversational Hypnosis Academy

Conversational Hypnosis Academy

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