Wise Therapy
WISE THERAPY is specialised in Trauma-Informed Clinical Hypnotherapy, for Individuals, and also for animals in your care. It uses the deep healing DeTrauma Technique – DTT™, Gestalt, Body Psychotherapy, EMDR, and other powerful modalities. Targeting mainly Overthinking, Burnout, Insomnia, Negative Self-Image, Self-Sabotage, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Addiction, and PTSD, Hypnotherapy can help you to respond better to Life’s demands and your Aspirations of self-improvement in Sports, Fitness, Education, Work and Relations. Wise Therapy also offers Calm Cat & Dog Hypnosis, New Neural Pathways hypnosis building Resilience, and more. On & offline sessions are styled by Vanina – Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist – who helps people live more joyfully, lightly and authentically, thanks to the Enlightening Marilyn Newman Method.
- Website: https://wisetherapy.net.au
- Gift Cards: https://wisetherapy.net.au/v2/#gift-card
- Social: https://www.facebook.com/Vanina.ClinicalHypnotherapy
- #3pyramidssleephypnosis
- #bluemountainshypnotherapy
- #calmcathypnosis
- #calmdoghypnosis
- #clinicalhypnotherapistbluemountains
- #clinicalhypnotherapistmidmountains
- #dtttm
- #goalachievementhypnosis
- #griefhypnosis
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- #hypnosisforselfesteem
- #hypnosisvideos
- #hypnotherapyforaddictions
- #hypnotherapyforanxiety
- #hypnotherapyfordepression
- #hypnotherapyforimprovementachievementinexams
- #hypnotherapyforimprovementachievementinsports
- #hypnotherapyforstressburnout
- #hypnotherapyforstressedorinjuredanimals
- #marilynnewmanmethod
- #newneuralpathwayshypnosis
- #overeating
- #overthinking
- #pethypnotherapy
- #selfacceptance
- #selfcompassion
- #selfdiscoveryhypnosis
- #sleephypnosis
- #traumainformedclinicalhypnotherapy
- #traumarelief
- #vaninaclinicalhypnotherapist
- #vaninaclinicalhypnotherapy
- #wisetherapy
- #wisetherapyclinicalhypnotherapy
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- #wisetherapyhypnosisvideos
- #wisetherapymeditation
- #wisetherapyselfguidedhypnosis
- anxiety
- burnout
- depression
- insomnia
- Meditation
- relaxation
- sleep